هل اللقاح في الماء يؤدي الى تصفير المناعه الامية
الدكتور ميلاد ابراهيم عريبي
بدایة لا يوجد في العلم شيء إسمه تصفير المناعه ، هذا المصطلح غير موجود في قانون المناعه ، بل يوجد شي اسمه التفاعل التكافئي بين المستضد و الاجسام المضادة antibody and antigen .. یجب أن نعرف كم عدد الفايروسات اللقاحيه وكم عدد epitope و مقارنتها مع كمية الاجسام المضادة ( antibodies ) و كم عدد ال( paratope الجزء من الجسم المضاد الذي يتعرف على المستضد ويرتبط به) ، الموجودة في الجسم المضاد ( antibodies) .
To make it easier, each virus or antigen contains a number of epitopes that must be neutralized by paratopes present in the antibody. For example, the Newcastle disease virus needs three antibodies to neutralize it and prevent it from sticking to the cell. The infectious bronchitis virus (IB) needs five antibodies to challenge it and neutralize it and prevent it from sticking to the cell, and so on. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the amount of internal viruses and the amount of antibodies required to neutralize and to neutralize the virus and prevent it from sticking to the cell. This law must be known first so that we do not fall into the mistake that the vaccine completely eliminates maternal immunity, because we do not have the real devices to know how many viruses and how many antibodies will neutralize them.
On the other hand, we must know that every systemic immunity is preceded by local immunity, except for vaccines that are given directly through the blood.
This means that any systemic immunity must be preceded by local immunity, whether in drinking water or by spraying, except for the method of eye drops because it has another law, as the drop must be in the eye only and not reach the nose and not swallowed by mouth, and this is a long discussion. I am talking about live vaccines, of course, not dead ones.
Secondly, something that must be known is how immunity is transferred from the mother to the fetus. The process of transferring immunity is non-specific, as all the immunity that the mother has formed will be copied and transferred to the fetus through the mouth, nose, eye or yolk. For example, the mother vaccinated with the (B793) vaccine will give immunity against this virus. When vaccinated with the same strain, the immune bodies will be neutralized for this strain only, so the mother takes many vaccines from (IB) and also (ND) and any other virus. We can know this by using a specific (antiserum) for each strain or device, but it is difficult to neutralize or inhibit the virus (virus neutralization or HI). Therefore, we can know the maternal immunity from the first day and determine the type of antibodies. If it is high, the chicks are not vaccinated, but if it is low, they must be vaccinated. Each method has its own protocol, whether it is drinking water, eye drops, or spraying. And determine the day on which we intend to vaccinate the chicks.
Important note: When giving the vaccine in drinking water, three important immunities will be formed.
The first is mucosal immunology, which will be formed within (12-24) hours, which will neutralize the virus from adhering to the body’s cells, i.e. any virus will have an antibody specific to this virus attached to it, transmitted from the mother to the bird.
Secondly, cellular immunity, which will be formed within 72 hours and will be relatively low and increase during the 5th day, and this, will also neutralize the virus.
Thirdly, humoral immunity, which will be systemic and starts from 6-7 days and continues to 13 days depending on the memory cells and the use of vaccine booster doses, which will help maternal immunity.
- Every systemic immunity must be preceded by local immunity.
- Vaccination in drinking water will neutralize some of the antibodies coming from the mother (Maternal antibodies) and not all, because we cannot calculate the number of viruses or the number of antigens that will neutralize and neutralize them.
- Vaccination in drinking water will stimulate mucosal immunity and cellular immunity, but during approximately specific times, and depending on specific tests.
- The process of binding antibodies to the antigen is an equilibrium interaction process, and not a multiple process as some understand it.
- Each antibody is specific to a specific antigen.
- There is no such thing as zero maternal immunity in the immunity law.